Google Adwords

June 26, 2017 - 5 minutes read

Google Adwords
Whether you’re looking to bring in new website visitors, grow online sales, get the phones ringing or keep customers coming back for more, Google AdWords can help. Target your ads to customers in certain countries, regions or cities – or within a set distance from your business or shop.
Google AdWords is Google’s advertising system in which advertisers bid on certain keywords in order for their clickable ads to appear in Google’s search results. Since advertisers have to pay for these clicks, this is how Google makes money from search.

Monitor Regularly: All Selected Keywords should Convert Well
For Getting a Better Click Through Rate with Your Existing Rankings-Better Focus to list of selected few keywords will give more result than for ALL the generated keywords .It is relatively easy to optimize and have a decent search volume.
For Geographic Targeting : One more good use of AdWords for SEO is can bid on traffic from many geographic locations, Google Analytics to compare how different locations convert
The competitiveness is very high for Keywords.
Depending on that of the keywords you’re bidding for and the relevancy of that keyword to real conversions for your company.
For the most part, we’ve found that Google AdWords is extremely effective for many kinds of businesses, as long as they don’t waste their money on the wrong keywords, or write weak, low CTR ads.
The actual position of your ad is determined by your ad rank (Maximum Bid times Quality Score). The highest ad rank gets the 1st ad position. Your actual CPC will be determined by the ad rank of the next highest ad below you divided by your Quality Score. The only exception of this rule is when you are the only bidder or the lowest bid in the AdWords auction; then you pay your maximum bid per click! AdWords bidding heavily penalizes advertisers who bid with low quality scores. Conversely, those with high Quality Scores get higher ad ranks and lower CPC.
On PCs, tablets, and smart phones, if the words people type into Google match your keywords, your ad can appear above the search results.
You only pay when people click — either to go to your website or to call your business. With millions of searches per day on Google, you can make sure your customers notice your brand, consider your offerings, and take action.
Once your ads are running, you can get reports to see how they are performing — and make adjustments anytime. You can also create different ads to see which ones perform best.

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