Digital Illustration

June 26, 2017 - 7 minutes read

We already represent a few fabulous artists and we are looking forward to developing the local team to broaden the range and impact we can offer you and the whole world. Not only for the quality of our talent, which always evolves with fashion and technical prowess, but also for the professionalism in delivering beyond what the art director wants, in a friendly and open way. Illustration, as a creative service, has always been at the forefront of creative tools employed by the marketing professionals, and it is our profound hope that by making our incredible artist team locally available to you, it will give you new opportunities and choice in creating the best results possible.

Bringing our illustration talent into the digital realm and discover how to create art for advertising agencies, design studios, and the entertainment industry. In this path, we learned to create logos and illustrations using today’s best design software for digital illustrators.
The main aspects to understand while we doing diital illustration are
Pixels –We are doing Pixel-based images too .It can be very organic while drawing with pixels or units of a digital image, additive process and truer to traditional painting when just want to draw.
Vector – It is one where our artists creates and arranges several different vector shapes which work together to create the final image. Adobe Illustrator is a dedicated vector drawing program, we used in vector drawing program. In addition to its distinct style, the beauty in vector is that once the image is complete, not restricted by the number of pixels and can resize the image without any loss of quality.
Resolution – Resolution relates directly to pixel-based images and the number of pixels they contain. Files that contain larger numbers of pixels are capable of capturing more detail and are considered to be higher resolution but take up more space on your hard drive as well as system resources. Since adding resolution to an illustration after it’s been created is typically a bad idea, it’s important to understand how much resolution you need before the project is started. This way, we are able to create all the detail need for the illustration.

We are also using a more affordable and focused alternative would be SketchBook Pro, which is sharply focused on digital illustration which has more key aspects three of them are listed here
Layers Panel – Layers separate different elements of an image, such as clothing from a model, and work together to create any image, vector or pixel-based.
Brush Panel – This is an extension of the brush tool in Adobe Photoshop, here you can configure brushes with varying sizes, shapes and orientations to work differently for your needs.
Layer Masks – In Adobe Photoshop, these masks allow you to hide specific portions of a layer.

Few Facts about Illustration

About Brushes In reality;- the brush doesn’t create the artwork. The artist creates the artwork. We are focused on the basic default brushes. We learned far more about brushes. Hard work and practice makes the artist.

Saving Work in a Layered Format, Sharing Works in a Compressed Format- saving our work, using a format that supports layers so we can modify our work later on. In Photoshop or SketchBook Pro, either a .PSD or a TIFF is a great choice. To share our work, flatten it down into a JPG or other compressed format which will drastically reduce the size of the file. It’s All about Practice
Seeking Feedback from clients It’s something every artist should do. While we are working on relay with clients format that are helps us to get more degree in customer satisfaction.
Final Thoughts When you’re ready to start down the path to forward, we will create best illustrations to you.

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