B2B Applications

June 26, 2017 - 6 minutes read

B2B stands for business-to-business. If your business is focused on selling products or services to other companies, your model is called B2B or business to business.B2B software are applications that are sold/generally purchased by organisations for their use. It facilitates the transfer of raw materials, parts and components from which additional profit is derived, through manufacturing or final sales to consumers.
B2B applications are used for various purposes, from tracking leads to monitoring sales and sales force activities. If you are in the B2C (or “business to consumer”) field, a B2B application probably won’t help you. But if you work for a B2B company, our applications and technologies may be right for you.

A B2B application can also streamline your in-house processes so you can better keep up with customer demand.
With today’s cost-effective business to business ecommerce solutions, it has been easy for customers to have web access to product information and availability, order status and history, and account information. However, to have a totally flexible B2B ecommerce environment, site operators must have full control over product content, product management, inventory, order fulfillment and shipping. That’s where we can help.

The main difference between B2B and B2C Applications from the technical point of view include:
• In the B2B transactions it involves a lot more bargain in prices and product’s delivery which is not the case with the B2C applications.
• B2B applications require a lot more security levels.
• Also, using the B2B applications retailers do not require integration with customer’s systems.
• Single point customer info making it easier to market your products and services and provide reliable customer support.
• We increase your supply-chain efficiencies manifold by lowering the overhead costs, streamlining business processes, reducing process errors through real time information exchange.
• Our custom b2b applications enable you to maximize returns on your investment through revenue maximization, better customer services, increasing your online visibility and many other benefits.
E-commerce Software Development
B2B e-commerce is used for contract manufacturing, customs declarations, global trade compliance, order management and supply-chain logistics. By using B2B e-commerce, companies can improve communications among partners and enhance the purchasing experience from business to business.
Following are the key technologies used in B2B e-commerce −
• Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) − EDI is an inter organizational exchange of business documents in a structured and machine processable format.
• Internet − Internet represents world wide web or network of networks connecting computers across the world.
• Intranet
− Intranet represents a dedicated network of computers within a single organization
• Extranet − Extranet represents a network where outside business partners, supplier or customers can have limited access to a portion of enterprise intranet/network.
• Back-End Information System Integration − Back End information systems are database management systems used to manage the business data.
Architectural Models
Following are the architectural models in B2B e-commerce −
• Supplier Oriented marketplace − In this type of model, a common marketplace provided by supplier is used by both individual customers as well as business users. A supplier offers an e-stores for sales promotion.
• Buyer Oriented marketplace − In this type of model, buyer has his/her own market place or e-market. He invites suppliers to bid on product’s catalog. A Buyer company opens a bidding site.
• Intermediary Oriented marketplace − In this type of model, an intermediary company runs a market place where business buyers and sellers can transact with each other.

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